Cilia Blackstone

Out of Character

I'm a man in my early 30's looking to have fun and enjoy myself with some roleplay from time to time.
I reside in Europe, so my availability compared to those in America will differ slightly though I try to be as accessible as possible.
If you're interested to set up a session, story or what have you just send me a message ingame.Though a fair warning to any would-be interested parties, I do not do instant hook-ups or one night stands, they'll remain off-screen. I prefer good character development and natural progression.

Loet Gaez

"Loud Goat" in roegadyn

Bubbly and ever curious, this former Keeper roams Eorza in search for the next thing to dismantle and study. Inquisitive when something catches her attention, Loet may come off as rude and brash at the best of times though there is little malice in the woman.Struggling to fit in with her kin, the life of a hunter did little to stave off her boredom. Only when she'd happened upon the remains of Garlean technology was the flame of ambition lit, the miqo'te woman pouring her soul and mind into learning its craft. With mixed results...Bright pink hair atop her head, the young woman is hard to miss as the mop of dreadlocks wanders the streets of Ul'dah, seeking to trade and collect new gear to her side. Those coming too close to her person may find it hard to get the stench of oil and copper out of their senses.

Age: 22
Birthplace: The Shroud
Occupation: Tinkerer
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Affiliations: N/A
Aether: Astral
Likes: Gadgets, gizmos, tech
Dislikes: Regulations

Common Rumors:

  • Seen scurrying battlefields scavenging magitek gear

  • Hailing from the Shroud


  • Loud and energetic she's sure to liven up a party

  • Known as an idiot savant with tech, most of her inventions will work wonders

  • Commission her at your own risk